管理 & 市场营销

Thomas Cavenagh, JD


+1 630 637 5157




托马斯·D. Cavenagh, JD joined North Central in 1989 and is the Schneller Sisters Professor of 领导, Ethics & 值 and Professor of Law and Conflict Resolution.  他指导 领导, Ethics & 值程序 at North Central College in Naperville, 伊利诺斯州, and is the founder of and directs the North Central College 争端 Resolution Center.  He graduated from Trinity College with a B.A. in old testament studies and philosophy, magna cum laude.  他的我.D. is from DePaul University College of Law.  He is the author of Business 争端 Resolution: Best Practices, System Design and Case 管理, 和 co-author of Alternative 争端 Resolution for Business by West Publishing Company and CyberJustice: A Guide to Online 争端 Resolution for E-Commerce by Prentice-Hall.  He has chaired the 伊利诺斯州 State Bar Association Section Council on Alternative 争端 Resolution and has been widely published in a variety of professional journals including 媒体tion Quarterly.  He is the recipient of the North Central College Dissinger Prize for 教师 ScholarshipNorth Central College 克拉伦斯F. Dissinger Distinguished Teaching and Service Award, 和 Academy of Legal Studies in Business Master Teacher Award.